Bible Verses: 2 Timothy 4:1-4, Luke 21:25-28, Colossians 3:5-6
Reflection: John 11:40
Thank You for the time spent with family, thank You for Your provision, and for watching over us. We seek Your presence, may we draw closer to You during the Feast of Trumpets, and draw us into a deeper relationship with You.
We live in a world of changing times, there has been a decline in morals and values, right has now become wrong and wrong become right, people have become lovers of money and themselves, and people are conforming to the ways of the world's systems, mighty Babylon. We seek the strength of Your RUACH and Your grace to stand strong. Help us to endure, may we not wander off of the straight and narrow path. Thank You for YASHUAH, who has the power over sin, life, and death. Help us to stand and look up, for our salvation draws near. Thank You, YASHUAH, for the hope and shalom You give. May we put to death that which is earthly within us.
Heavenly Father, our ABBA Father, sometimes we take for granted how You have transformed our lives. Thank You for never giving up on us.
Amein and Amein.