My Story

Welcome everyone to my Blog.   Shalom (Peace).

My name is Mike and I have been married to a very patient wife, Carol, for 38 years now (since 1984).  We have four grown children and two wonderful granddaughters.  I was born and raised in Tomahawk, WI and have been living in Wausau, WI since turning 18 years old.

I pray and hope this blog will help you to know our Creator and build a desire to know Him at an intimate level.  I pray you will seek Him and call upon Him, and call upon the name of His Beloved Son, our Redeemer, our Savior, and our Messiah (MASSIACH).   I hope this blog will also encourage you to pray more and pray in agreement with my daily prayers.

I hope you will not take offense that I will be using the Hebrew names in my prayers and study notes.  I have always been prompted by the RUACH (Spirit) to write a blog, but have been putting it off for several years.  With the current events, I felt a stronger nudging that I need to reach out to others, to help others grow from my past experiences, and to share and give an accounting of my walk.

Before I get more into my story, let me share the Hebrew names you will be seeing.

    • This is the Hebrew name for God.  When reading the bible, you will notice that God/god is a title.  The bible does want us to know his Name.
      • Isaiah 42:8 (TS2009)  “I am יהוה (YAHUAH), that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.    
      • Psalm 83:18 (TS2009)  And let them know that You, Whose Name is יה וה (YAHUAH) , You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
      • The Hebrew title is Elohiym/elohiym.  (see below)
      • The TS2009 bible is short for The Scriptures 2009 edition".
    • This is the Hebrew name that was given to our Savior at birth by His parents.  The translation in most bible translations would be Jesus.  The correct Hebrew translation into English would be Joshua..
      • Matthew 1:21 (TS2009)  “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name יהושע (YAHUSHA) for He shall save His people from their sins.”
    • YESHU'AH is Hebrew and translated into English is "Salvation".
    • HA'MESSIACH is Hebrew and translated into English is "the Messiah".  You may also be familiar with "Christ" in modern bible translations.
    • When translated from Hebrew, you will see "the Holy Spirit" in modern bible translations.    
      • RUACH -> Spirit
      • HA'QODESH -> the Holy
  • Elohiym
    • the title for YAHUAH (GOD)
    • elohiyms - the title used for false gods
    • The Hebrew word translates to "Master or Lord" in English.
More about me.  I was born and raised in a Catholic family, being the oldest of seven children.  I had worked in the housing industry in some shape or form for my entire working career.  I started as a Draftsman and eventually found my way into Computer Programming/System Analyst, which was the bulk of my career.   I retired in 2020 at 63 years old.   With COVID, I found it hard working at home and missing the interaction with fellow employees.

Around age thirty-five, I ran into a point in my life where I felt I was missing something, I felt empty.  I had a good job and a wonderful family, but feeling everything I was doing was not filling a missing need within me.  I was working long hours at work, coaching hockey during the winter months, away fishing during the summer months, and taking night classes to learn computer programming.   Somewhere along the line, I ran into chat rooms on the internet, which included pornography.   This gave me the feeling of living in a fantasy world and provided a "high" to relieve the missing feelings I was experiencing.   I led a life of denial and lies to my wife and family.   I eventually got caught at work in a chat room, which scared me.  My wife and I were attending a Baptist church at the time, as my wife was committed to save our marriage,  My eyes began to open, I needed to turn my life over to YAHUSHA and live my life for Him,  I feared I would lose my job, so I made a commitment to except YAHUSHA into my life and repent of my ways.  My wife asked me to go to our Pastor and I agreed that I needed help and counseling.   Things were going very good for me until the Pastor moved away to another church, and I drifted back and forth between my addiction.  I was moving between guilt and shame, returning to the chat rooms.  My eyes were finally opened when I learned about Hebraic Roots from a couple, about my age,  I was trying to evangelize in the fall of 2017.  They shared several things about the Hebrew Roots movement, which I immediately had to do some research on.  I learned a lot from my research, which has brought me to where I am today.  I have repented of my past and have been freed from the bondage it held me under.  YAHUAH has blessed me with a wonderful wife who has been so patient with me and my struggles.

My past has always been a challenge.   My father was not present in my life for the most part and did not show much of an interest in the things I enjoyed doing as a child, I had a brother who committed suicide when he was 18 and I was 22 years old, and I had struggled with alcohol until I married my wife.  

In 2011, I had my first heart attack which required 3 stints and had a triple by-pass surgery in 2016.  In both cases the doctors told me they did not expect me to live, as the blockages were in the "Widow Maker" artery.  YAHUAH was tugging at me, He wanted my attention and my heart in the right place.   The RUACH HA'QODESH placed the verse from Philippians 1:6 into my heart with my first heart attack.,  "being persuaded of this, that He who has begun a good work in you shall perfecta it until the day of יהושע (YAHUSHA) Messiah (HA'MASSIACH).    The RUACH told me that I would live and should not be in fear of dying.  

Praise YAHUAH.  He is faithful to complete the good work has has started in us.  He is full of mercy and grace, and a great and loving Father.    HalleluYAH

Numbers 6:24-26 -> “יהוה (YAHUAH) bless you and guard you; יהוה (YAHUAH) make His face shine upon you, and show favor to you; יהוה (YAHUAH) lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.” ’ 

Shalom (Peace).


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