Pray this prayer daily.
YAHWEH, I am standing in the truth of Your Word. You said You would give me the keys to the Kingdom, that whatsoever I would bind on earth would be bound in Heaven and whatsoever I would loose on earth would be loosed in Heaven. Right now in the name of YESHU'AH HA'MASSIACH,
- I bind my will to the will of YAHWEH that I will be constantly aware of His will and purposes for my life.
- I bind myself to the truth of YAHWEH that I will not be deceived by the many subtle deceptions of this world.
- I bind myself to the blood of YESHU'AH that I will never take it for granted. I want to be constantly aware of its miracle-working power to restore and heal and keep me safe.
- I bind myself to the mind of YESHU'AH HA'MASSIACH that I will be aware of how YESHU'AH would have me think in every situation I come into this day. I do not want to react out of my own human, carnal thoughts when situations arise suddenly. I want to think and act as YESHU;AH would have me think and act.
- I bind my feet to paths of righteousness that my steps will be steady and true all day long.
- I bind myself to the work of the cross in my life so that I will continue to die daily to my own selfish desires and motivations and be more like Him.
- I bind the evil one so that I may spoil his household and take back every bit of joy, peace, blessing, freedom, and every material and spiritual possession that he has stolen from me. I take them back right now.
- I destroy and loose the evil one's influence over every part of my body, soul, and spirit.
- I destroy and loose every device the evil one's forces may try to bring into my sphere of influence during this day,
- I repent, renounce, and reject every wrong desire, attitude, and pattern of thinking I have had, Forgive me YAHWEH for holding onto wrong ideas, desires, behaviors, and habits.
- In the name of YESHU'AH HA'MASSIACH, I destroy and loose every wrong attitude, pattern of thinking, belief, idea, desire, behavior, and habit I have ever learned.
- I loose the strongholds around my soul that would keep me from being completely surrendered to the will of YAHWEH for my life.
- I loose all doubt and confusion from myself.
(Prayer of what is on your heart; Ruach-led prayer)
I plead the blood of YESHU'AH over ............... and my family (name them).
I plead the blood over myself; spirit, soul, and body; the good works He's ordained that I should walk in (name them and their locations), people and places adjoined to me in these good works, houses, property, vehicles, etc.......
Amein and Amein
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